On My Bedside Table

>> Tuesday, October 13, 2009

So here is what I'm reading at the moment.  I have about 20 pages left, but I enjoyed this book enough that I thought I would share it with you today. 

The last time I braved a book about the end of the world, I just couldn't stomach it.  The darkness, bleakness, and creepiness factor just sat in my stomach the wrong way.  So with that freshly in my mind,  I was trepidatious about starting Earth Abides.  I shouldn't have been.  It is a reissued book that was originally published in 1949.  It is the story of a plaque that kills off the majority of the worlds poplulation.  The main survivor is "Ish", while he is initially shocked, and wandering aimlessly, once he recovers he settles down and starts his own Tribe.  What follows is a story of how the earth transforms without mankinds intervention.  It made me think about what is important enough in my life that I would want it to be carried on in future generations.  I certianly did not agree with the path the tribe went down.  I would hope that my reality would have been different in this situation.  This book made me think, and I like that.  The reading was fast, and kept my interest.  I liked it enought to reccomend it.


LaFleur2009 October 13, 2009 at 1:50 PM  

Great book review. I think that I may pick this one up the next time I'm at Borders. Thanks!

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